Selling/Consigning At Revive Is Easy
New Consignors
1. To be successful at selling read these tips on what sell best at Revive: Click here>>>Best sellers
Read important info on how we pay you and how we price your items : Click here>>>Important Rules
2. Submit photos of your 5 best SPRING items to
or our Instagram.
Revive will respond to confirm whether we are a good fit for your items.
3. Prepare for your Appointment:
Please ensure that all items are clean and in like-new condition. They should have no odors, damage, pet hair, lint, or stains. Bringing in More items is best, 60 items max, 15 items minimum.
Current Consignors
with an Account
1. Call Revive Consignment to make
a MARCH/SPRING ITEMS appointment 908-450-7416
2. Prepare for your Appointment:
Please ensure that all items are clean and in like-new condition. They should have no odors, damage, pet hair, lint, or stains. Bringing in More items is best, 60 items max, 15 items minimum.
Manage Your Account
Access your online account here to see what has sold and your balance. Checks are automatically sent out at the end of each month if the balance is over $20.
Modern consignment only offered at Revive!
Luxury Bags:
We have a waiting list of buyers! (Louis Vuitton, Gucci, Chanel, Burberry)
1. Submit photos of your bags to or instagram.
Revive will research market value and respond with a price quote.